Friday, May 27, 2011

MoleSkine: Olga Gurlukovich from MGS

Love Metal Gear, loove Olga and how bad ass she is. Character belongs to Yoji Shinkawa and Konami.
Graphite in Moleskin sketchbook.
Original character design by Yoji Shinkawa

This belongs to Mr. Shinkawa and Konami

Thursday, May 26, 2011

MoleSkin: Skeletal Study

graphite on vellum and graphite and ball point pen in moleskin sketchbook.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

VC Application Portfolio 2011

So I didn't have to sacrifice a small child to get into VC after all.....

Here are some not-so-well-done documentations of my favorite pieces in my application portfolio for the Bachelor of Design Program at ACAD. I didn't include digital work because you can just visit my older posts to see them.

I still have much to learn but I'm glad that the Design Department at ACAD deemed my determination worthy of their instruction!

OH! There are also some sketchbook pieces to go with this but I'm too lazy to scan them right now. Keep checkin back, they'll be on soooooon!

Design Fundamentals - Expressive Text"Sink or Swim". cut paper on mayfair.

Design Fundamentals - Geometric Abstraction. cut paper on rail card.

Design Fundamentals - Negative Space Balance (or something along those lines). gouache on hot press illustration board.

Color Fundamentals - Alter Ego (there's another half to this project that I don't wanna post because I don't like the way it turned out. It was supposed to be two self portraits. One of you as you see yourself with the same colors used harmoniously and the second, this one, depicting your alter ego using the same split complimentary colors high high discord....). acrylic on hot press illustration board.

Anatomy - Spine/Shoulder Blade/Skull Study From Skeleton Model. graphite and ball point pen.
Anatomy - Spine/Shoulder Blade Study From Skeleton Model. graphite and ball point pen. (detail)

Anatomy - Spine/Shoulder Blade Study From Skeleton Model. graphite and ball point pen. (detail)

Anatomy - Skull Study From Skeleton Model. ball point pen. (detail)

Drapery on Model Study. graphite, white chalk, on bfk rives.
Drapery Study (detail)

Anatomy - Figure Skeletal Study from Nude Model. 20 min pose...I think...graphite on newsprint.

Anatomy -  Skeletal Studies of Nude Models, 30 second poses. china marker on news print.

Anatomy -  Skeletal Studies of Nude Models, 30 second poses. china marker on news print.

Still life. Some people draw whole fruits.....I ate mine. All that was left was on slice of orange. teehee. graphite on some kind of fine art paper that I can't remember.

Design Drawing - Botanical Study (Calgary Zoo). fine liners on mayfair.

Botanical detail. stipple like a BOSS!
detail look at the insanity called stippling.

Botanical detail...another one.

last one. botanical detail.
Fashion Allegory. ball point pen, pencil crayon on bfk rives.

Dreamer. blue pencil, white pencil crayon, white chalk/pencil crayon/gouache on bfk rives.

dreamer face detail.

dreamer toy craft detail.

dreamer space suit detail.

Silkscreen: Rabbits Forever

First multi-color silkscreen I've ever done! Just a buncha postcards waiting to be sent out..... Email me ( of you want one.  Paypal only please.
Silkscreen on Somerset 4 x 6. edition of 20.  $5.00 (CAD) each.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

MoleSkin: Spread Em'

*HUGE SIGH OF RELIEF* I've been so busy lately! And now I finally have time to start posting stuff again. What have I been up to? Well, I spent all of March and April getting my portfolio together, final projects, peppered with job hunting sessions. And what has that all amounted to? I finished the semester with great marks, got accepted into the Bdes (Bachelor of Design) program at ACAD, P/T Sales Associate at Lacoste, P/T Waitress at a sushi lounge. Life's good.

Pasted print and ball point pen in my moleskin.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

True Euphoria

Hey guys! I got accepted into the notorious Visual Communication Design program at ACAD. and I'm Feeeeeeelin' Gooood. Still gotta get my portfolio back and when I do I'll post the contents that got be in! So sit tight! <3 to everyone who supported me I LOVE YOU GUYS FROM THE BOTTOM OF MY BLACK HEART!!!!!!
 This song is a song I dedicate to all my friends/colleagues that made it in with me.