Friday, August 26, 2011

A few Wise Words

I don't care if some of you don't like Apple or whatever. This is truth and why I'll keep doing what I Love.
"Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven't found it yet, keep looking. Don't settle."

- Steve Jobs

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

work in progress....

Finally got to doing some real drawing. Something of sentimental value to me. Enjoy.
blue pencil + white chalk on bfk rives.
graphite on bond paper.

graphite on bond paper.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

UFOs in Fractal Forest!

I just got back from Shambhala Music Festival on Monday. This is my first year going and I gotta say it was absolutly stellar! I ended up spending most of my time at the Fractal Forest Stage therefore a lot of the pics will be featuring it's signature Pyramid DJ booth. I was so excited with all the pics I took that I stayed up all night edited my favorite ones and now they're ready to be displayed and hopefully enjoyed by you guys! I've posted my faves on here, and a link to my Flickr so you can check the rest of them out! >>  Shambhala 2011 photoset

Me in Sham mode.

Here's to give you an idea of what the crowd and atmosphere was like.
The DJ booth for the Fractal Forest Stage is under that pyramid.

This is where they control the sound and lighting I believe.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Montréal, Je t'aime

Here's a way overdue photo dump of pics from my Montréal trip. What can I say? Delicious food, friendly people, amazing art scene, rich history and amazing architecture. Montréal, Je t'aime!

My lovely Diana F+
Bixi rental bikes
Best breakfast ever!
What happens when they mix highly addictive substances with frozen yogurt
Toppings for your Frigo

cute toilet sign ^_^
Schwartz's meat shop tastes like mom's home cooking then it roundhouse kicked her in the face!
BEST MEAT SANDWICH EVER!!! SERIOUSLY! My cousin took me here once when I was too young to appreciate anything but i still remember this sandwich over 7 years later.
Who can say no to a little chocolate?
no words needed to describe.
Murals like these are all over the city

This one was done by some children and posted outside their school.....or at least I think it was done by the kids.

The most random arrangement of misfit toys in what looks to be a closed down boutique of some sort.

I can't get over how charming the homes are here.

My bf's uncle's washroom.

Montreal's Notre-Dame Basilica

I wish I took more pics of the Jazz Festival. But out of the few I took, This one is my favorite.